Voice & Gender Affirming Care
We specialize in helping individuals with voice disorders rediscover the power of their voice. Whether you’re experiencing vocal strain, hoarseness, difficulty projecting, or other voice challenges, our expert clinicians are here to guide you toward healthier, stronger, and more confident vocal expression.
Our voice evaluations use a combination of informal and formal measures ranging from acoustic analysis to an extensive history and report of functional changes to your voice. Our clinicians collaborate with you to identify areas for communication growth that matter to you, then set tangible goals and create a targeted treatment plan to help you achieve them. Written reports and treatment plans are provided after all evaluations.
Our team works hand-in-hand with you to design personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs to address:
Functional voice disorders: muscle tension dysphonia, vocal fatigue, puberphonia
Organic voice disorders: structure or physiological abnormalities of the vocal folds or laryngeal mechanism (e.g. nodules, polyps, cysts, edema), neurogenic changes (e.g. spasmodic dysphonia, vocal fold paralysis/paresis, essential tremor) and inflammatory conditions (e.g. laryngitis, reflux laryngitis)
Gender affirming voice
Neurological voice disorders from Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS.
Voice disorders related to aging (presbylaryngis).
Voice disorders from medical interventions or trauma.
We are in-network with Blue Shield PPO and Cigna PPO, making it easy for us to bill these plans directly for you. We accept all other PPO plans as an out-of-network provider, providing you with detailed reimbursement statements (medical superbills) to help you with self-reimbursement.
Want to check your coverage? Reach out to your insurance provider and ask about coverage for these CPT codes:
Voice Evaluation: CPT 92524
Voice Therapy: CPT 92507
Trans Voice Certification, Seattle Voice Lab
Gender Affirming Care
At Sound, we believe your voice should reflect your authentic self. Our gender-affirming voice therapy services are designed to support individuals on their journey to developing a voice that aligns with their identity, helping you communicate with confidence and ease.
Our assessment looks beyond the pitch, evaluating breath, resonance, social and emotional needs to find your authentic voice. Using a combination of informal and formal measures, our clinicians collaborate with you to identify tangible goals and create a targeted treatment plan to help you achieve your desired voice. Written reports and treatment plans are provided after all evaluations.
Our team takes a holistic approach to finding your voice. Treatment works on breath, resonance, vocal quality, pitch, and prosody. We work along side each individual to ensure their voice is aligns with their identity.
We are in-network with Blue Shield PPO and Cigna PPO, making it easy for us to bill these plans directly for you. We accept all other PPO plans as an out-of-network provider, providing you with detailed reimbursement statements (medical superbills) to help you with self-reimbursement.
Want to check your coverage? Reach out to your insurance provider and ask about coverage for these CPT codes:
Gender Affirming Voice Evaluation: CPT 92524
Gender Affirming Voice Therapy: CPT 92507