Frequently Asked Questions
We are available to work with you by appointment. Our hours are Monday-Friday, 8:15 AM to 6:45 PM. We often close by 6:00 PM or sometimes earlier on Friday because… it’s Friday!
Nope! :) We are a private clinic and you are able to book directly with us. And if you have a PPO health insurance plan, you are able to be seen by specialists without a direct referral. However, if we are not in-network with your plan, or if you have an HMO or similar plan, we recommend that you first check with your insurer.
Not at all. If we can’t see you the same week you call, we’ll see you in a week or so. :)
We do not! :) We have immediate openings for morning, mid-day, and after school ongoing speech therapy times. After school and evening slots are the most popular but even when we don’t have immediate openings, things change often with other patients’ schedules and we’ll work to find a day and time that is best for you!
Insurance & Billing
We are in-network with Blue Shield PPO (including Berkeley SHIP) and Cigna PPO, making it easy for us to bill these plans directly for you. We accept all other PPO plans as an out-of-network provider, providing you with detailed reimbursement statements (medical superbills) to help you with self-reimbursement.
We are also a contracted provider for the Golden Gate Regional Center, the Department of Disability Services, and the California Department of Rehabilitation.
We are not in-network with any Covered California or “off exchange” plans and are unable to directly bill these plans. But we can accept these plans as an out-of-network provider, providing you with detailed reimbursement statements (medical superbills) to help you with self-reimbursement.
A medical superbill is a detailed paid receipt for healthcare services. It includes information about the clinic, provider, patient, diagnosis, and procedures that were used during an appointment. It is used to send in to your insurer as a way to be reimbursed for what you paid.
No. We are unable to enter into temporary agreements with insurance providers that we are not already in-network with. While we encourage you to seek out an exception from your provider, we will still proceed as usual and supplying you with a medical superbill to use for self-reimbursement.
Yes! We can enter into contracts with school districts or work directly with patients for these evaluations.
Auditory Processing
Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) can sometimes feel like hearing loss, even though hearing itself is normal. People with CAPD might find it tricky to follow directions, answer questions clearly, or thrive in busy settings like school, work, or home. It often goes hand-in-hand with challenges in attention, language, or learning, making it harder to make sense of what one hears. That’s where we come in!
The subtests that are used to diagnose Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) have the most normative data starting at age 7 years. However, we can start assessing for strengths and weaknesses at age 5 years.
It depends on the level and configuration of your hearing loss. If your hearing loss is mild or just across some frequencies, we can likely do the full assessment. This would help to inform a treatment plan. But if you have hearing loss that is in the moderate or greater range, we are unable to separate out the central weaknesses from the hearing loss itself. We would instead recommend that you see one of our speech language pathologists (SLPs) for an Aural Rehab evaluation to set goals with them, which would include listening strategies and auditory training!
While our audiologists will virtually attend IEPs when a school district contracts with our clinic, or for IEEs, we otherwise are unavailable to do so.
Hearing & Hearing Aids
Yes. We work with a number of ENT practices in order to provide ENT physicians with quick and accurate audiologic evaluations, which includes an audiogram (aka hearing test).
Some insurance plans provide coverage for hearing aids. Our clinic is in-network with Blue Shield PPO and Cigna PPO plans and we can assist you in finding out more about your benefits with these plans! For all other plans, we recommend that you reach out to your insurance provider and ask if you have any hearing aid benefits that can be used at a clinic of your choice.
If you have a Cigna PPO plan, you will likely be required to obtain hearing aids through Amplifon Hearing Healthcare. We are a hearing aid provider for insurance plans that provide hearing aid benefits through Amplifon, TruHearing, and Your Hearing Network.
We are also a hearing aid provider for the California Department of Rehabilitation.
We primarily work with Oticon, Phonak, Starkey, and Widex products. Check out our Hearing & Hearing Aids section for more information!
Yes! Our speech language pathologists (SLPs) can see patients with hearing loss (who use hearing aids or cochlear implants) for listening strategies and to oversee auditory training.
Speech & Language
Our speech language pathologists evaluate and treat these speech and language concerns and also provide voice and gender-affirming care.
This is one of our most popular FAQs - and also the toughest to answer! Each patient is unique and depending on goals, speech therapy could take anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months to 6 years! A clinician can give you a better idea of a treatment timeline after an evaluation regarding your specific concerns.
We do not. We refer to other trusted providers for these services!
While we specialize in early intervention services, we do not specialize in working with non-verbal school-aged or older children or adults. We also do not provide Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) services. We instead recommend the following amazing clinics and providers: