Sound Advice
Who knew speech and hearing could be this much fun!?

Book Drive for National Reading Month
We’re hosting a Book Drive for the Friends of the San Francisco Public Library!

What Parents Need to Know About the Section 504 Lawsuit
If your child has a 504 plan at school, you might have heard some buzz about a new lawsuit that could impact disability protections.

Introducing SLP Office Hours
We’re thrilled to announce a brand-new monthly webinar series inviting patients to meet and talk with our speech language pathologists.

Understanding IFSPs, 504 Plans, and IEPs: A Guide for Parents
Understanding these plans can help you advocate for the right support to help your child thrive.

What is Lace AI Pro?
Learn all about Lace AI Pro auditory training and how to get started with us as a certified clinic.

Our Pediatric Services
It’s a new year and a great time to remind patients and providers of our comprehensive offering of pediatric speech, language, voice, auditory processing, and hearing services.

Hearing Aid Fitting Fun
We can’t wait to see you in the New Year and show you our newly designed hearing aid fitting room!

A Sound Approach to Gender Affirming Care
Learn about Sound’s approach to gender affirming care.

Clinician Approved Gifts
This year, we've got your shopping list covered with a curated selection of clinician-approved gifts that blend fun, safety, and practicality.

Auditory Processing: The Whole Picture
Both an audiologist and a speech language pathologist play important roles in the identification and treatment of central auditory processing skills. We’ve got it covered with our team! Learn more about our comprehensive program.